Criminal Defence / Advisory / Road Traffic Law

For any person who encounters the Gardai in circumstances that may result in a possible criminal charge or an appearance in Court, early legal advice is essential. 

Even where the case concerns a minor Road Traffic accident, Public Order or Misuse of Drugs infringement, the long-term implications of the matter could be extremely serious.  Quite clearly, the more serious the allegation, the more urgent the need for advice.

The Partners and Assistant Solicitors in this Department are available 24 hours a day in the event of an emergency, for consultation and advice. We are available at short notice to attend Garda Stations to advise persons detained for questioning.

We will quickly assess the seriousness of the situation, help the client plan a strategy to deal with the problem, and if necessary, liaise with the State Authorities. For immediate advice Contact Us.

Speak to a Partner


Donough Molloy, Richard Young, Damien Coffey

Cunningham House, 130 Francis Street, Dublin 8, Ireland. T: (01) 4533477, F: (01) 4533528, E:
Sheehan & Partners LLP