Sexual offences including pornography

There has been a dramatic increase in the last 20 years in Ireland in relation to allegations of sexual misconduct, sexual abuse, historical child abuse, and the use of computer technology for the viewing and dissemination of pornography, particularly child pornography.

Sheehan & Partners LLP has been heavily involved in the defence of persons suspected or accused of these most serious offences since the rapid explosion of these investigations in the early 1990's, and the practice has been at the forefront of attempts to restrict, in particular, the investigation and prosecution of very old alleged offences, bringing many of the leading cases to the superior Courts in attempts to highlight the difficulty in defending such allegations.

Persons accused or suspected of such offences should avail of immediate legal advice, as early and skilled representation is essential to secure a favourable outcome – and such persons can contact us by clicking here.

Speak to a Partner


Donough Molloy , Richard Young

Cunningham House, 130 Francis Street, Dublin 8, Ireland. T: (01) 4533477, F: (01) 4533528, E:
Sheehan & Partners LLP