Extradition/European Arrest Warrant Cases

International agreements between States provide for the transfer of certain persons between those States to stand trial or serve sentences of imprisonment, when a request is made by one State of another.

During the years of “The Troubles” in Northern Ireland, regular requests were made by the UK for Irish citizens to be transferred either to the North or to England. Sheehan & Partners LLP were involved in many of the major, and leading, cases, often resulting in a denial by the Irish Courts of the request for the transfer of the person.

In recent years the firm has successfully resisted on behalf of clients, applications to return to the United States for Trial.

The old extradition arrangements in Europe have now largely been replaced by the European Arrest Warrant (EAW) and such cases are now a daily feature of the Courts. The firm has brought its considerable expertise in extradition into the new arrangements and now appears regularly in the High Court EAW list acting for persons from all over Europe who seek such advice and representation in this field. We have been involved in a number of the leading cases in this area, successfully resisting applications to return persons to the requesting States.

Persons who are, or believe they may be, the subject of such an application, should contact a Partner immediately. To do so, click here.

Speak to a Partner


Donough Molloy , Richard Young

Cunningham House, 130 Francis Street, Dublin 8, Ireland. T: (01) 4533477, F: (01) 4533528, E: info@gsandco.ie
Sheehan & Partners LLP